Thursday, December 16, 2021

Donald Schön

 Donald Schön wrote a book called The Reflective Practitioner (1983) in which he explains that creatives, " know more than they can say," and often only reveal their vast knowledge whilst actively producing work.  

"There are actions, recognitions, and judgements which we know how to carry out spontaneously; we do not have to think about them prior to or during their performance." These spontaneous actions are depicted through the decisions made whilst I design, prototype and produce my body of work. From what I understand from Schön's book "reflection in action" is done by recognizing the spontaneous decisions and recording them.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find Schön's, 1987, writing about reflection on action but I found a research paper that refers to his writing (Hugh, 1989). The paper explains how reflection on action is about learning from the experience which is usually overlooked. From this I understand that reflection on action happens after each piece has been produced.

Due to reflection in action taking place simultaneously to producing work this writing tends to be informal. Whereas reflection on action happens after the piece is completed therefore this writing is more formal.

A. Schön, D., 1983. Available at: [Accessed 16 December 2021].

Hugh, M., 1989. Available at: [Accessed 16 December 2021].


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