Friday, March 6, 2020


Figure 1- glass seed beads
I forgot to post about this but on the 26th of February, we had a visitor from overseas that is doing research on different kinds of beads. The advanced diploma students including myself took a walk to our local bead shop near the Victoria Street market.

Buying beads was very frustrating as the mean behind the counter at the shop was colour blind. I pointed out a bundle of ocean green beads on display that I was interested in buying. It took the man 5min to find the exact colour, I had pointed out, among the beads in stock as the beads on display are usually not for sale. The man would show us beads of the same shininess but of the wrong colour which was very frustrating.

There were green beads in stock but only in a size two which means you have to buy the bundle which is about six strands on beads instead of buying individual strands which they do for the size 1 beads. Instead, I chose three different strands of size one beads, as seen in figure 1, that I felt were a mix of all the colour reflected in the originally ocean green beads I was interested in. The three colours, turquoise, teal and peacock green, that I bought are all shiny also like the original ocean green beads.

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