Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 Thinking about the booklets/signatures I printed... I wanted to find a way to bind them into a book to keep a record of my design process. A signature is "one unit of a book comprising a group of printed sheets that are folded and stitched together"(Anon. n.d.). To me, it is an "essential"(Olver. 2002:12) tool to identify how I develop my designs and to keep for future reference when developing more designs. 

Below are the photos of my first bound book I did under the guidance of a Youtube tutorial. My handmade paper was too thick to print on therefore I can use it for the cover and flysheets in my bound books (See Figure1). 

A few improvements are needed: The cover needs to be reinforced with cardboard, I need to find the right paper to print on and the right size for displaying my drawings. 

I want to make a book for each project I finish for my exhibition. 

Figure 1 - Bowes, K.,(2021). Bound booklets

Figure 2 - Bowes, K.,(2021).Cover of my book.

n.d.  Available at: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/signature [Accessed 2 November 2021].

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